Specialist Document Service
We have full time agents in Auckland, Hamilton, Manawatu, Masterton, Wellington and Christchurch and a network of others available to deliver your documents throughout New Zealand. In most cases we are able to make the first attempt within 72 hours. If urgent or same day is required let us know. Our dedicated researcher specialises in tracing if they can’t be found.
We can help if you need documents served on a party overseas. We have a network of international agents - please contact us to discuss further.
We serve for several large NZ and Australian companies and Government organisations. Wellingtons leading team of servers cover Manawatu and Masterton region. Our Document service capabilities are extensive. In 2019 to 2021 we successfully served over 2400. Bring us a serve that a past agent or process server can't resolve and we'll get it done!
We are constantly expanding the services we offer and we keep up with all the latest advances that will assist us to provide the best possible service. We have highly trained licenced reputable contractors and connections. No Wellington Investigation servers have ever been put before the courts for not meeting the High court rules of service. If that’s not stated, you can assume a company has.
'WIL' mantra: It won't be easy, nothing important ever is.
Our Process Servers have extensive experience with the successful service of all legal process including:
Property law act notices - PLA
289 Demand Notices (formally known as Section 261)
Trespass notices
Witness summons
Domestic related documents
Divorce Proceedings (Dissolution of Marriage)
Matters relating to the New Zealand Family Proceedings Act 1980
Property related documents
Protection Orders
Orders for Examination
District Court Proceedings
High Court Proceedings
Appeal Court Proceedings
Employment Court Proceedings
Family Court Orders
Legal matters for Government Departments
Insolvency related documents
All legal documents
Private confidential document service
Service of all International process
We also provide a surveillance and trace and track service should the whereabouts of the individual be unknown.
Dissolving a Marriage - Service of Documents
Dissolving a marriage or civil union is the legal term for divorce. The Family Court can end your marriage or civil union by making a Dissolution Order.
We have extensive experience handling with sensitivity the service of dissolution of marriage proceedings. We understand the documentation and know what the courts require.
Why use a professional?
As an independent party we are not personally involved in what can often be an emotional time. You may find asking a family member or friend awkward - for one of both of the parties.
We know what the Family Court requires and can also guide you on what paperwork you need to complete.
Our team of professional process servers are aware of when your documents can/ cannot be served, i.e. court documents cannot be served on certain days or public holidays.
The Family Court manages Dissolution of Marriage applications
In New Zealand the Family Court has the authority to legally end (dissolve) your marriage/ civil union once you and you partner have lived apart for a minimum of two years.
If you have children together the court must be satisfied that arrangements have been made for their day-to-day care and other aspects of their welfare.
There are two types of dissolution applications...
1. If both you and your partner want a divorce...
If you have grounds to do so, both you and your partner ASK the Family Court for a Marriage of Dissolution Order.
Apply for a divorce - when you both agree.
2. If only one of you wants a divorce...
You will need to ask the Family Court to make a decision. This is known an APPLYING for an Order. If you are applying for an Order, you (or your lawyer) become responsible for ensuring that your application documents are SERVED on the other person. You cannot serve them yourself. Apply for a divorce - on your own
Trespass Notice Serving
In New Zealand there is no legal requirement to give a trespass notice in writing - however a written document reinforces the situation for the person, they cannot say they did not know of the notice and of the requirement to leave and not return.
Our team has experience in serving trespass notices for companies and individuals.
Why use a professional?
As an independent party we are not personally involved in what can often be a stressful task. You may find serving a trespass notice yourself awkward, or you may be expecting to encounter a negative response from the recipient.
Our team are experienced with serving trespass notices and where possible mitigating any negative response.
We will serve the trespass notice and then lodge it with the local police, noting time and date. This leaves no room for the recipient to deny ever receiving the trespass notice.
There are two ways to deliver a trespass notice - we can assist with the service of a written trespass notice
1. Verbal trespass
If you deliver a trespass notice verbally, it is advisable to record the date and time along with the reason for giving a trespass notice to that person. Also record the name or description of the person asked to leave.
2. Written trespass
If you undertake a written trespass, complete three copies of the Trespass Notice:
one copy to the person you are serving the trespass notice on
one copy for you to keep
one copy to give to the nearest police station or attending police officer, for entering into the Police records database
To serve a notice you simply hand it to the person. If they refuse to accept it and it drops on the ground, it is still considered served. Keep that copy and note down that the person refused to accept the notice.
You are required to give a reasonable time for the trespasser to leave. If the person stays or takes an unreasonable time to comply, call 111 and ask for Police.
Contact us about a TRESPASS NOTICE.
What do you do if the recipient decides to ignore the trespass notice?
If someone comes back after you have given them a trespass notice they will have committed an offence. Call 111 and ask for Police.
It is an offence punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000.00 or imprisonment not exceeding 3 months to enter an address that you have been trespassed from within 2 years from the date of receiving the notice.